Green Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate Your source for real estate career education Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:41:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Green Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate 32 32 Four Short Reads To Ring In The New Year Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:06:05 +0000 What's ahead for the real estate industry during 2015. No one knows for sure, but there seem to be some pretty good guesses, and some really good selling tips.

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NEWTOWN SQUARE PA – The last day (Dec. 31) of 2014 has now arrived, and tomorrow (Thursday, Jan. 1) kicks off 2015. With the new year arises new questions for real estate practitioners: What’s ahead in the next 12 months? Who’s going to be making money? Where? In what kind of property?

And, possibly most important, will you as a sales or broker licensee rank in that winning crowd, or another?

No one we know has those answers. There are, however, plenty of experts who are willing to speculate on what 2015 holds for the industry. Collectively, much of what they predict is good. Here at Polley Associates, we recommend four short reads we think you’ll enjoy and from which you might benefit.

Two are somewhat regional in nature; they address real estate markets in Washington DC and inland California. Two others are broader in topic and less geographically specific. All offer tips and suggestions that have can easily apply to real estate salesmanship in southeastern Pennsylvania.

The reading list:

Polley Associates wishes you the most prosperous New Year possible, and we thank you for your trust, confidence and business with us during 2014.

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LED Bulbs Easy Way To Save Energy And Money Mon, 25 Mar 2013 10:30:16 +0000 Lighting your house is no minor expense. Changing your traditional incandescent light bulbs or compact fluorescent lamps to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs will save energy and dollars off your electricity bill.

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RIDGEFIELD PARK NJ – As the cost of energy continues to rise, homeowners everywhere are looking for ways to cut back on their usage and exercise energy efficiency in their homes. Lighting your house is no minor expense, with recent data from the U.S. Department of Energy showing that an average household dedicates 10 percent of its energy budget to lighting and spends approximately $1,900 per year in total on utility bills.

Remember you can make a difference and green your lifestyle with a simple step that will also save you money. Changing your traditional incandescent light bulbs or CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps are often recognized by their spiral design) to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs will save  energy and dollars off your electricity bill. The bulbs feature longer life spans than traditional light bulbs, while still emitting warm tones to make your home cozy with illuminating, comfortable light.

Because LED bulbs consume far fewer watts to deliver the same level of brightness as traditional bulbs, they can save you money daily by reducing that light’s energy use by up to 85 percent, the Energy Department said.

Samsung, a major supplier of LED bulbs, contends that switching to them in your home is easier than you think. Quality LED lighting products offer average life spans between 15,000 and 40,000 hours depending on the bulb. This can amount to an approximate average of 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. Both energy- and cost-effective, these bulbs are the perfect solution when transitioning from traditional bulbs to the highest-quality, affordable and long-term lighting.

Five reasons to switch to LED lighting now:

  • Energy Savings. Some LED bulbs use 75 to 85 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs, which means savings for your energy bill and extra cash in your pocket.
  • Convenience. Long-lasting life spans of 22 to 36 years means you will only have to change the bulbs a few times in your lifetime. You won’t be bothered to replace a dimming bulb for decades at a time.
  • Versatility. LEDs come in all different shapes and sizes to fit any room or fixture in your home. The bulbs create a warm, natural illuminating light that set a comfortable ambience of your choosing inside, and many can be controlled by a dimmer to cascade any amount of light within your rooms.
  • Save Money: According to the Energy Department, replacing just 15 bulbs in your home with more energy efficient versions can save an average of $50 off your energy bill annually – or up to $1,800 on your energy bill over the course of your LED bulb’s lifetime.
  • Instant Lighting: Instead of waiting seconds or minutes for your lights to reach full brightness, LED lamps light up immediately to full brightness to illuminate your space.

Related (to energy use reduction):

Photo from Getty Images

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Energy Star Awards, Recertifications Presented To Brandywine Tue, 22 Jan 2013 19:45:28 +0000 Brandywine Realty Trust based in Radnor PA said it had more than 80 Energy Star-rated buildings in its 2012 portfolio.

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RADNOR PA – Eleven greater Philadelphia area buildings owned by Brandywine Realty Trust of Radnor were qualified or re-certified for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star awards during the fourth quarter of 2012, the company said Tuesday (Jan. 22, 2013).

First-time awards were achieved for 700 and 755 Business Center Dr., Horsham PA. Re-certifications were awarded to 2000 Lennox Dr., Lawrenceville NJ; 200, 300 and 400 Berwyn Park, all in Berwyn PA; 101 W. Elm St., Conshohocken PA); One, Two and Three Logan Square, Philadelphia PA); and 401 Plymouth Rd., Plymouth Meeting PA. Other buildings owned by Brandywine in Maryland and Virginia also were awarded.

“We are excited to exceed our 2012 goal of having over 80 Energy Star-rated buildings in the portfolio,” stated George Johnstone, the company’s senior vice president of operations.

Related (to energy use reduction):

Photo from Google Images

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Generational Tastes, Move To Smaller Homes Driving Storage Mon, 14 Nov 2011 23:35:37 +0000 NEW YORK NY – The previously high-growth $7.4 billion market for home organization and storage has slowed down due to the housing collapse and enduring economic problems, according to “Home Organization in the U.S: General Purpose, Closet, Garages, and Storage Sheds,” a report released Monday (Nov. 14, 2011) from a market research firm called Packaged …

Generational Tastes, Move To Smaller Homes Driving Storage Read More »

The post Generational Tastes, Move To Smaller Homes Driving Storage appeared first on Polley Associates School of Real Estate.

NEW YORK NY – The previously high-growth $7.4 billion market for home organization and storage has slowed down due to the housing collapse and enduring economic problems, according to “Home Organization in the U.S: General Purpose, Closet, Garages, and Storage Sheds,” a report released Monday (Nov. 14, 2011) from a market research firm called Packaged Facts.

The market has nonetheless performed relatively well due to several factors, the report claimed. Americans perennially have a lot of stuff that needs organizing and storing, it said, whether forming new households, downsizing into apartments or condos, remodeling rather attempting to sell or buy in uncertain economic times, or to seasonal factors such as spring cleaning, back-to-school events, winterizing wardrobes, and the holidays.

Until the financial and housing collapse in 2008, closet and garage organization products were the main drivers of growth, the report said. Consumers kept up demand for custom-installed closet and garage organization systems. As conditions worsened, however, demand for these discretionary purchases declined; consumers shifted to buying less expensive do-it-yourself products, or avoided buying altogether.

Consumers are also shifting to more compact housing, U.S. Census Bureau data shows, reversing a long-standing trend. From 1995 to 2007, the median size of new one-family homes grew from 1,920 to 2,277 square feet. In the wake of the Great Recession, however, the median size has scaled back to 2,169 square feet. Indications are that new homes (as well as garages) will continue this downsizing trend due to economic forces, tightened consumer credit, and sustainability concerns.

While people in all age groups want spaces and goods that reflect their personalities and lifestyles, specific demands typically vary according to lifestage.

  • Millennials may be either moving back home with parents or wading deeper into the market for household furnishings.
  • Gen X consumers are of home-buying age, further advanced in their careers, and have growing families. They may be looking for specific storage solutions in the kitchen or entertainment areas, and for kids’ bedroom and playroom storage products.
  • Baby Boomers have been major drivers of the consumption boom over the last decade. Many are planning to stay in their current homes over the next five to 10 years, and are focusing on home retrenchment and re-organization for the longer term.
  • Seniors often need user-friendly, easy-access storage solutions, especially in the wake of downsizing.

This article was originally published on the Polley Associates‘ blog
Photo from Google Images

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