PA and NJ continuing education for real estate Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate Your source for real estate career education Wed, 20 Apr 2022 22:39:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PA and NJ continuing education for real estate Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate 32 32 Why Double Your Work? One Course Renews Two Licenses Fri, 27 Jan 2017 21:40:56 +0000 NEWTOWN SQUARE PA – Every two years, real estate licensees in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are required to complete continuing education in advance of renewing their licenses. But the states have different deadlines. New Jersey renewals are due by April 30 of odd-numbered years (2017, for example). Pennsylvania renewals are due by May 31 of …

Why Double Your Work? One Course Renews Two Licenses Read More »

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NEWTOWN SQUARE PA – Every two years, real estate licensees in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are required to complete continuing education in advance of renewing their licenses.

But the states have different deadlines. New Jersey renewals are due by April 30 of odd-numbered years (2017, for example). Pennsylvania renewals are due by May 31 of even-numbered years (like 2018).

They have different requirements, too. New Jersey law specifies its licensees must take 12 hours of education that includes at least 6 hours of core and ethics content. Pennsylvania demands 14 hours of education, with at least 3 hours of rules and regulations content. There are other minor variables as well.

So what do you do if you’re licensed in both states, like many agents living in the Philadelphia or Lehigh Valley areas? In the past, they had no choice but to take two separate sets of continuing education, one for each state, totaling 26 hours. Fortunately, that’s no longer the case.

Polley Associates is among the very few schools nationwide that offers dual-state continuing education for New Jersey and Pennsylvania. For classroom learners, Polley provides a new two-day course titled “The Ethical Agent.” For online learners, Polley presents a PA and NJ renewal package of four shorter courses that accomplish the same goal.

Both are reasonably priced. Both are huge time-savers.

The post Why Double Your Work? One Course Renews Two Licenses appeared first on Polley Associates School of Real Estate.
