Real Estate Brokerage Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate Your source for real estate career education Wed, 14 Aug 2024 16:14:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Real Estate Brokerage Archives - Polley Associates School of Real Estate 32 32 Polley Policies: Tuition, Registrations, Refunds Mon, 27 Apr 2020 08:05:56 +0000 When making a purchase through Polley Associates for courses, materials, or other services, you agree to be bound by these policies: Limits of liability In all circumstances, Polley Associates’ liability to issue refunds or apply credits for products, classes, or courses for any reason is limited solely to the original purchase amount or, if applicable, …

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When making a purchase through Polley Associates for courses, materials, or other services, you agree to be bound by these policies:

Limits of liability

In all circumstances, Polley Associates’ liability to issue refunds or apply credits for products, classes, or courses for any reason is limited solely to the original purchase amount or, if applicable, the unused portion of credit remaining, within 12 months of the original purchase date.

Class or course reservations

Polley Associates reserves the right at its discretion to limit class enrollments. All enrollments are accepted on a first-paid, first-confirmed basis. A student has not reserved a place in a class until registration is complete and the appropriate tuition is paid in full.

Class cancellation refunds

Polley Associates may find it necessary to cancel classes or courses at its discretion. If this should occur, students will be notified and all fees will be refunded or transferred based on the student’s request.

Should classes or courses be canceled due to events, activities, conflicts, or circumstances beyond the control of Polley Associates, tuition and fees will be refunded, less a $15 per course refund fee. As an alternative, transfers to other course options of the same price will be honored for no fee provided the student contacts Polley Associates a minimum of 18 hours before the scheduled class.

Pre-licensure Tuition payments, withdrawals, refunds

Pre-Licensure Course Tuition: All credit expires one year from the original purchase date. All courses must be completed in full within one year of the original purchase, or a new registration may be required.

Transfer Requests:

  • Tuition can be transferred to another course for no fee (one time) for up to one year at any time prior to the original course start date.
  • A transfer fee of $15 will apply to a second transfer request.
  • A transfer fee of $25 will apply to all subsequent transfer requests within the one-year time frame the tuition credit is valid.
  • A student may also be required to purchase new materials if there are any changes between the original course scheduled and their transfer option. Charges vary based on materials.
  • The student is responsible for any price difference if applicable, at the time of transfer.
  • The original registrant can only use credit.

Refund Requests: 

  • Tuition can be refunded, less a $15 processing fee with at least 72 hours’ notice prior to the original course start time.
  • Refund requests with less than 72 hours’ notice, but prior to the course start time are subject to a $25 Withdraw Fee, as well as the $15 processing fee.
  • Refund requests made after the class start time, but prior to the start of the second session of a course are subject to a $50 Withdraw Fee, as well as the $15 processing fee.
  • There are no refunds after the beginning of the second class session.
  • There are no refunds on any non-credit courses within a package purchase. See below for more information.

Any Materials and/or shipping costs are non-refundable and non-returnable

  • Costs for all printed and digital materials, as well as any shipping, handling, or processing fees, are non-refundable and non-returnable for all courses. 
  • Students in classroom courses can opt to pick up materials early in person, pay for shipping, or receive their books on the first day of class. Once the materials are in shipped OR in your possession, whichever is first, they are non-refundable.
  • Students enrolled in a live-streaming course will have books shipped to the address on file upon registration. Once materials have shipped, they are not refundable. We are not responsible for errors in the address on file. Please ensure your address is correct at registration, or you may be responsible for the purchase of new books and shipping fees.

Non-credit program class payments, withdrawals, and refunds

  • Tuition credit is valid for one year from original purchase date.
  • No refund is provided for any reason for Best Start tuition.
  • No refund is provided for any reason for any Exam Prep programs.
  • All non-credit courses may be transferred once for no fee.
  • A transfer fee of $15 will apply to a second transfer request within the one-year time frame that tuition credit is valid
  • A transfer fee of $25 will apply to all subsequent transfer requests within the one-year time frame the tuition credit is valid.
  • Credit can only be used by the original registrant.

Continuing education and recertification Tuition payments, withdrawals, and refunds

Payments in full are due upon registration for any continuing education or recertification class or course.

No refunds will be made for any continuing education or recertification classes that are scheduled and held. Students who expect they will not or cannot attend scheduled continuing education or recertification classes for any reason must notify Polley Associates at least 18 hours in advance by phone or e-mail. Failure to provide advance notification, or failure to complete a scheduled class or course in its entirety, may result in tuition forfeiture.

Students who have provided proper advance notification and miss a scheduled class may use their tuition credit to apply for any future registration. The student is responsible for any payment difference at the time of transfer. Credit is valid for one year from the original purchase date. Credit can only be used by the original registrant.

Special CE Note: Those electing for our PA/NJ Dual State Continuing Education Package must attend all days as scheduled to receive ANY credit. Attendance of only one day or any partial time of this package is not worth any credit. The PA-only mandatory topic course has no monetary value toward this package, and there is no refund, price adjustment, or transfer option for this 3.5-hour course. If you elect to not attend the PA Required topic course at the time you are enrolled, you are not eligible to take it again or at any other time, either online or in person, without a new registration, enrollment, and payment.

Participation in live-streamed courses utilizing digital materials

At registration, students participating in live-streamed classes or courses will be notified that they must have the ability to either view materials digitally throughout the course or print a copy of materials for their use.

Digital materials will be sent to registered participants via e-mail no fewer than 24 hours before the course start date and time. Many live-streamed classes provide digital PDF copies of materials.

If you require printed materials to be sent for a class that provides only digital materials, you must be registered in full no fewer than 10 days before the course start date and time, and contact Polley Associates via phone to pay an additional fee for printing, shipping, and handling. Prices vary based on the course.

Student identifications and documentation

To ensure Polley Associates complies with various regulatory requirements, students attending any classes or courses may be asked to provide, upon demand, photographic proof of identity such as a current driver’s license, state or military identification, or other similarly suitable documentation. They also may be required to complete and sign an enrollment agreement and complete an end-of-class or end-of-course survey.

Returned check charges

There is a $50 charge for returned checks.

Other applicable policies

Other enrollment and refund limitations or exceptions may apply.

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What’s That Real Estate Broker License Class About? Wed, 29 May 2019 17:01:40 +0000 The what, where, and when of Polley Associates broker classes Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission-approved broker license classes are offered by Polley Associates. Polley Associates offers Classroom (In-person), Livestream (Zoom), and Online (Self-paced) courses. Classroom or Livestream (Zoom) Broker Courses Most Polley Associates real estate broker license classes are 30 hours long and they usually are …

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Student in classroom smiling

The what, where, and when of Polley Associates broker classes

Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission-approved broker license classes are offered by Polley Associates. Polley Associates offers Classroom (In-person), Livestream (Zoom), and Online (Self-paced) courses.

Classroom or Livestream (Zoom) Broker Courses

Most Polley Associates real estate broker license classes are 30 hours long and they usually are held from 9 AM to 4:30 PM each day, over two consecutive weekdays during two consecutive weeks. A limited number of classes are 15 hours long and are usually held from 9 AM to 4:30 PM each day, over two consecutive weekdays during a single week.

Fifteen-hour classes are worth ONE Pennsylvania broker license credit; 30-hour classes are worth TWO credits.

Online (Self-paced) Broker Courses

Broker Education Requirements whiteboard

Additional reading

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Broker PA: Commission Course Requirements Mon, 15 Oct 2018 14:30:19 +0000 State law demands Pennsylvania brokers be as knowledgeable as possible about the ins and outs of real estate. To that end, it requires prospective broker licensees to take 240 hours of specialized education before they qualify to sit for the licensing exam. Every 15 hours of authorized education equals 1 credit; the accumulated 240 hours …

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Broker Education Requirements whiteboard

State law demands Pennsylvania brokers be as knowledgeable as possible about the ins and outs of real estate. To that end, it requires prospective broker licensees to take 240 hours of specialized education before they qualify to sit for the licensing exam. Every 15 hours of authorized education equals 1 credit; the accumulated 240 hours equals 16 credits.

Anyone who participates in a broker-level class – whether for the purpose of obtaining a license or simply to fulfill continuing education needs – must take and pass a course-ending test before credit is granted.

Three tiers of broker course

The state Real Estate Commission separates broker-level courses into three different types, or tiers: Commission-Required, Commission-Developed, and Commission-Approved.

Commission-Required courses are just that: REQUIRED. Anyone who wants to become a broker must attend and pass them.

Commission-Developed courses are those for which the commission has created the course outline or syllabus, and all authorized schools must teach to its outline.

Commission-Approved courses are those for which authorized schools have created a course outline or syllabus and received commission approval to teach those courses as outlined.

You must take the two Commission-Required courses

Prospective brokers must take two Commission-Required courses: Real Estate Law, and Real Estate Brokerage and Office Management. Each course is 30 hours long. Together they account for 4 (2 credits each) of the 16 education credits needed to become a broker. Most prospective brokers want to take these courses as soon as possible, or as soon as they become available.

You must take at least three Commission-Developed courses

In addition to Real Estate Law Real Estate Brokerage and Office Management, there are several different Commission-developed live classroom courses: Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Investment, Real Estate Sales, Residential Construction, Residential Property Management, Valuation of Residential Properties, and Valuation of Income Producing Property. Basic Appraisal Procedures and Basic Appraisal Principles are also approved as Commission Developed when done as a classroom course through Polley Associates. You can pick and choose three that interest you most, but you must complete at least three.

Each course is 30 hours long. Together they account for another 6 (2 credits each) of the necessary 16 credits.

A side note: Basic Appraisal Procedures and Basic Appraisal Principles also have value for those interested in becoming certified real estate appraisers.

Combine more Commission-Developed and Elective courses to finish

The remaining 6 credits can be obtained by taking either more Commission-developed courses, Commission-Approved (also known as elective) courses, or both. Polley Associates currently offers a wide variety of elective credit, Commission-approved courses. These included Accredited Buyer Representative, Seller Representative Specialist, Senior Real Estate Specialist, Forms Used in Real Estate, Real Estate Negotiations Expert, Forms Used in Real Estate, and Commercial Real Estate Development. The elective Commercial Real Estate Brokerage is also available as a self-paced online course.

Do, but don’t over-do

No more than 4 credits will be granted by the commission in specific areas of study. An example: although the commission has approved four two-credit appraisal courses  – Basic Residential Appraisal Procedures, Basic Residential Appraisal Principles, Valuation of Residential Property, and Valuation of Income Producing Property – only any two of them will be accepted by the commission in fulfillment of the educational requirements.

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Broker PA: Broker Requirements, Qualifications Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:52:32 +0000 So how do I qualify for a broker’s license? To qualify for a broker license you must: Find Courses For:

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So how do I qualify for a broker’s license?

To qualify for a broker license you must:

  • Be at least age 21 or older;
  • Hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent;
  • Have operated as a Pennsylvania-licensed real estate salesperson for a minimum of three years;
  • Complete 240 hours of specialized education. It is different from the Real Estate Fundamentals and Real Estate Practice courses you took to obtain your sales license, and also different from continuing education you took to renew your license; and
  • Pass a broker’s license exam with a score of 75 or higher.
  • Be experienced. Besides having worked as real estate salespersons for a minimum of 3 years, broker candidates also are expected to have accumulated a minimum of 200 experience points. Generally, points are awarded for each transaction initiated and successfully completed by the candidate. The point system is occasionally revised by the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission.
Broker Education Requirements whiteboard

Find Courses For:

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Broker: How Brokers Are Legally Different Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:42:11 +0000 What’s the difference between a real estate broker and a salesperson? There are two practical differences. First, the relationship between a broker and a salesperson is much the same as that of an employer and employee. A broker operating his or her own office under state law must supervise and oversee all licensees working from …

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What’s the difference between a real estate broker and a salesperson?

There are two practical differences.

First, the relationship between a broker and a salesperson is much the same as that of an employer and employee. A broker operating his or her own office under state law must supervise and oversee all licensees working from that office or on the broker’s behalf.

Second, a broker is the only individual empowered by state law to conduct a real estate transaction. Salespersons have no legal authority to participate in a transaction without their broker’s involvement.

Individuals who hold a Pennsylvania broker’s license but work in the office of, and on behalf of, another broker is known by the state as “associate brokers.” They too are subject to supervision.

Under state law, salespersons and associate brokers are deemed to be independent contractors of the supervising broker.

It’s more difficult and takes longer to get a broker’s license.

You need to take significantly more education. You need to pass another licensing exam. Unless you intend to work with another broker as an associate broker, you’ll need to start up your own office and meet the state’s requirements for it.

Why would anyone want to become an associate broker?

Importantly, plenty of people become associate brokers. They never intend to open their own offices. They pursue a broker’s license for its educational value, and the reason is simple: the more you know, the more you can sell.

Broker licensees learn the basics of real estate investment, real estate finance, and real estate law, for example. Because they’re knowledgeable about these subjects and others, buyers and sellers alike rely on their expertise. Associate brokers often work with higher-end clients, deal in more valuable properties, and attract more repeat business. For them, obtaining a broker’s license is just the path to earning more revenue.

Broker Information

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Polley Policies: Privacy Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:13:46 +0000 These are our policies concerning privacy and the use of our website or other forms of communication. 1) Polley Associates (also identified herein as “we” and “us” and “our”) has adopted a set of information management guidelines that serve as the basis for our customer relationships. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that …

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These are our policies concerning privacy and the use of our website or other forms of communication.

1) Polley Associates (also identified herein as “we” and “us” and “our”) has adopted a set of information management guidelines that serve as the basis for our customer relationships. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that technologies employed by Polley Associates – including, but not limited to, the Internet, audio and video communication, and postal and electronic mail and text delivery – are rapidly evolving. Accordingly, these guidelines are subject to change. Changes will be posted on Polley Associates’ website(s).

2) Polley Associates respects the privacy of anyone expressing interest in or purchasing its services or products, or visiting its websites. In contacts with the public, no effort is made to identify individuals without their knowledge.

3) When individuals request information about Polley Associates’ services or products, we may require them to supply address, telephone, e-mail or other personal information that allows us to send, by various means of transmission, materials intended to fulfill that request.

4) When individuals purchase Polley Associates’ services or products, we may require them to supply address, telephone, e-mail or other personal information in order to process purchases, as well as personal financial information needed to complete a transaction. Because some of our services or products involve either or both regulations and/or licensure in various states; third-party processing of financial transactions, and in some cases third-party vendor provision of those services or products, individuals by virtue of a purchase acknowledge and give us their implicit approval to disseminate information we collect to public or private agencies or organizations as we may deem necessary.

5) When individuals visit a Polley Associates’ website, we may require them to supply – as part of a registration or entry process — address, telephone, e-mail or other personal information before using the site or a portion of it. Polley Associates also may employ “cookies” to anonymously track web site visitors and their site usage for our own internal analytical purposes.

6) On occasion, Polley Associates also may collect additional personal information from website users in optional contest and survey forms. On these occasions some personal information we request is voluntary.

7) No personal information collected as cited in the above-mentioned paragraphs is shared with unrelated third parties (except as specified in Numbered Paragraph 4 of this statement, or unless we are compelled to do so by law). No personal information collected as cited in the above-mentioned paragraphs is sold to third parties.

8) Demographic information provided to Polley Associates may be combined with other information, including but not limited to website usage reports, to profile, in aggregate form, our customers and website users, and their preferences in Polley Associates’ services, products, and website content and advertising. Profiles may be used for product development purposes. With website visitors, Polley Associates also logs browser domain names and IP addresses (the location of your computer on the Internet), but not e-mail addresses unless voluntarily supplied, for systems administration and troubleshooting, and to determine in the aggregate what pages users access or visit. This information may be disclosed to advertisers or other partners in aggregate form only.

9) Polley Associates may use the postal or e-mail addresses it collects to periodically send promotional mail or e-mail about services or products it offers. Polley Associates may contact individuals regarding their account status or changes to their registrations.

10) Upon request, Polley Associates will remove the names of and information about individuals from its promotional mail or e-mail databases. Individuals also can indicate, either at the time information is submitted or after such promotional mail or e-mail is received, that they do not wish to receive such promotional mail or e-mail from Polley Associates. We will change or correct personal information that the individuals who submitted such information state is erroneous.

Polley Associates is not responsible for the services, products, privacy policies or content of its partners, advertisers, vendors, or of websites to which it may link.


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Polley Policies: Classroom Use And Conduct Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:14:54 +0000 When enrolling and participating in any Polley Associates’ course in any form of delivery that involves live or delayed interaction with an instructor and/or other individuals, prospective, current, and former students agree to be bound by these policies on classroom use and conduct: Class Audits Polley Associates does NOT permit unregistered or unpaid individual to …

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When enrolling and participating in any Polley Associates’ course in any form of delivery that involves live or delayed interaction with an instructor and/or other individuals, prospective, current, and former students agree to be bound by these policies on classroom use and conduct:

Class Audits

Polley Associates does NOT permit unregistered or unpaid individual to monitor its classes. Those in a course must be registered student.

Cancellations due to inclement weather

On rare occasions, Polley Associates may be required to cancel a class or classes due to inclement weather. We’ve made it easy for our students to know which, if any, classes are canceled. During business hours, call (610) 353-6776 to speak with a staff member. After business hours, call (610) 353-6776 and choose Option 5 for pre-recorded messages on cancellations.


Children under age 18 are NOT permitted in Polley Associates’ classrooms. They also are NOT permitted to participate in any other form of course delivery.


Polley Associates reserves the right to refund tuition fees and refuse continued admission to any class if a learner disrupts the learning atmosphere of the classroom.

Transcript distributions

Learners who require official transcripts of results in Polley classes will receive them, usually by mail, two weeks after they pass their course exam.

Examination grading and re-takes

Should a learner fail an end-of-course exam, a re-take exam will be mailed to the learner if appropriate and not prohibited by regulatory agencies or course providers. Requests for exam grades will not be honored or disclosed via phone or fax.

Inquiries and correspondence

Please direct all inquiries to Polley Associates, 3129 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073-4107. Phone: 610-353-6776 or toll-free 800- 220-2789 (Eastern Pennsylvania), 800-248-3004 (Western Pennsylvania). Fax: (610) 353-5438 or toll-free 888-941-9500. E-Mail:


Instructors encourage questions from learners during class sessions. Questions should be brief and pertinent to the subject being discussed. Personal questions must be held for the end of class.


The learning experience is a shared responsibility between the learner and Polley Associates’ instructors. Learners are urged to complete all reading and math assignments prior to the class sessions. Failure to complete assignments will result in a slower classroom pace, reduced learning, and possibly failing course exams.

Special needs and accommodations

We intend our classrooms to be open to all, although we may need to make reasonable accommodations from time to time. Learners must advise Polley in advance of special needs they may have due to a disability or handicap.


Polley Associates reserves the right to change textbooks, class dates and times, course delivery methods, instructors and/or outlines at its sole discretion.

Use of calculators, computers, and handheld and mobile devices

Only battery-powered and noiseless devices are permitted, only with an instructor’s permission, and only so long as such devices do not prove to be a distraction to the instructor, any other individuals, or the class as a whole.

Use of recording equipment

Using of any device to record a class session in any manner is NOT permitted.

Use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances

Use of tobacco in any form, or the consumption or use of alcohol or illegal substances in any form, is NOT permitted in any Polley Associates facility. At the sole discretion of management, smoking may be permitted outside buildings where Polley classes are held.

Health Concerns

By entering the classroom, you are agreeing to the parameters for the operation that have been established in compliance with PA Department of Health Guidelines. Just as we cannot guarantee you would not be exposed to any other type of communicable viruses, such as the flu, we cannot guarantee it here. By attending a classroom-based course, you accept responsibility for this risk and agree to not hold Realty Seminars, Inc., Polley Associates, or any of its employees or contractors liable for any illness or injury. 

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Broker NJ: Earning A Real Estate Broker License Mon, 22 May 2017 17:45:48 +0000 How can you qualify for an NJ real estate broker license? After completing all three courses, applicants must submit their completed school certificate and a completed “Experience Report For Broker Applicant” form to the Commission’s Education Qualification Section. Following review and approval, applicants will be mailed a “Certificate of Examination Eligibility,” which may be used …

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How can you qualify for an NJ real estate broker license?
  • Have a high school education or its equivalent;
  • Have been continually licensed and employed on a full-time basis as a New Jersey real estate salesperson for three years immediately preceding application; and
  • Complete 150 hours of broker pre-license education, including a 90-hour general real estate course, as well as two 30-hour courses on Agency/Ethics and Office Management, and related topics.
Earning An NJ Real Estate Broker License

After completing all three courses, applicants must submit their completed school certificate and a completed “Experience Report For Broker Applicant” form to the Commission’s Education Qualification Section. Following review and approval, applicants will be mailed a “Certificate of Examination Eligibility,” which may be used to make a reservation to take the broker license examination.

An applicant must pass the broker license examination, and apply for and request the issuance of a license as a broker or broker-salesperson, not later than one year after successfully completing broker pre-license education requirements.

NOTE: A broker-salesperson is qualified to be licensed as a real estate broker, but is employed by and operates under the supervision of a licensed real estate broker to perform the functions of a real estate salesperson. To become a broker-salesperson, an applicant must first meet the licensing requirements of a real estate broker.

Applicants who have been convicted of a crime, or who currently are on parole or probation, may be denied the ability to apply for a real estate license.

Persons who are citizens of New Jersey and who qualify as disabled veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may be able to obtain waivers of the license education and experience requirements. Call the Commission’s Education Waiver Section at 609-292-7272, Ext. 50137, for details.

New Jersey does not have license reciprocity with any state.

The Real Estate Commission is your licensing authority.

The New Jersey Real Estate Commission, a division of the state Department of Banking and Insurance, is the state real estate licensing authority. For licensing inquiries, it can be contacted at:

Licensing Bureau, Real Estate
NJ Department of Banking and Insurance
P.O. Box 474
Trenton, NJ 08625-0474
Phone (609) 292-7053
Fax (609) 292-6765

The Commission administers and enforces New Jersey’s real estate licensing law and adopted regulations. It has the power to revoke licenses and otherwise sanction individuals and firms for license law violations.


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PA Broker Exam Prep Basics Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:59:18 +0000 Why should I be interested in PA Broker Exam Prep? The Polley Associates Pennsylvania Broker Exam Prep Class will increase your test-taking skills, provide targeted study materials, ensure you study the right information, and identify weak areas in your knowledge base. You will benefit from our veteran instructors’ extensive knowledge of the national & state …

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Why should I be interested in PA Broker Exam Prep?
Woman cheering with arms raised in front of laptop

The Polley Associates Pennsylvania Broker Exam Prep Class will increase your test-taking skills, provide targeted study materials, ensure you study the right information, and identify weak areas in your knowledge base.

You will benefit from our veteran instructors’ extensive knowledge of the national & state broker exam content and format. Our class helps you identify how to focus your study time and effort. You’ll learn not only components of the test, but the strategies that help you differentiate the CORRECT answer from purposely misleading ones.

Our exam prep class is fully up-to-date and reflects the National and State-Specific content outlines.

Attending an exam prep course is an excellent way to ensure you are prepared to take and pass the Broker Examination. Your success on the Broker real estate licensing exam depends on thorough preparation.

Livestream (Zoom): Broker Exam Prep Courses via Livestream (Zoom) on a bi-monthly basis in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Classroom: Broker Exam Prep Courses in Newtown Square are available on a bi-monthly basis in February, April, June, August, October, and December

Online (Self-Paced): Compucram® is an exam prep system that integrates vocabulary tools, practice testing, and comprehensive simulated exams into an “all-in-one” solution to build your confidence and knowledge. On your own time, on your own schedule.

What materials are included in the course?

  • Six-hour Exam Prep Class, covering both the PA State-Specific Content and the National Content;
  • Polley’s Broker Prep Manual
  • Polley’s Broker Scenario Supplement
  • Guide to Passing the PSI Real Estate Exam, by Lawrence Sager
  • Pennsylvania Real Estate Exam Prep guide

The tuition price includes all class materials. Registration and pre-payment are required for this course. All enrollments are subject to Polley policies. Polley’s real estate broker prep class is offered on a bi-monthly basis at our Newtown Square location only.

Enroll in Polley Associates Real Estate Broker Exam Prep Class

Want to study online, rather than in a classroom? No problem! You’ll want to enroll in our Real Estate Broker Exam Prep CompuCram® (National + Pennsylvania) class.

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Get A Broker License In PA, If Already A Broker Elsewhere Fri, 22 Nov 2019 15:00:01 +0000 Individuals who hold real estate broker’s licenses in other states are occasionally interested in obtaining a similar license in Pennsylvania. This page has been created to help address their needs. It consists of four sections: Pennsylvania and broker license reciprocity Requirements for real estate broker licensure in Pennsylvania traditionally are lower than those of most …

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Individuals who hold real estate broker’s licenses in other states are occasionally interested in obtaining a similar license in Pennsylvania. This page has been created to help address their needs. It consists of four sections:

  • Pennsylvania and license reciprocity
  • Preparing for the Pennsylvania law test
  • If you lack sufficient education …
  • Learn about our Out-Of-State Exam Prep Course

Pennsylvania and broker license reciprocity

Broker License Reciprocity In PA
Pennsylvania’s state capitol in Harrisburg

Requirements for real estate broker licensure in Pennsylvania traditionally are lower than those of most other states, with few exceptions. That’s good news for many out-of-staters with real estate broker licenses who want to be licensed as a broker in the Keystone State.

Moreover, the state of Pennsylvania in 2003 passed legislation that creates license reciprocity agreements between it and other states. It has been updated since. As of August 2019, the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission has reciprocity agreements only with Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.

If you do not qualify for a license by reciprocity, you are best positioned to obtain a broker’s license in Pennsylvania if the state in which you are already licensed requires three or more years of experience, and a minimum of 240 or more hours of education, for broker licensing. You must describe your experience and education as a broker in another state to the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission; call 717-783-3658 and ask for the appropriate form.

The form, its required attachments, and an appropriate fee must be submitted to and approved by the Commission before you are permitted to sit for the Pennsylvania broker examination. Forms and accompanying instructions are available online and can be downloaded from the commission website, or are available by contacting the commission at:

Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission
P.O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
Phone (717) 783-365 | Fax (717) 787-0250 | E-mail

If your application is approved, the commission will then send you a broker examination registration form and accompanying instructions. The completed form is then sent to Pennsylvania’s testing vendor along with the appropriate examination fee.

You will need to score a passing grade (75 or higher) on the 40-question Pennsylvania real estate law exam. The 90-question “uniform knowledge” exam likely will be waived. Once you pass Pennsylvania’s 40-question law test, the PA State Real Estate Commission will grant a broker’s license. The timing for this process depends on both the time you take in passing the exam and the commission’s work backlog.

Due to state requirements, the above-described submission procedure for out-of-state broker license candidates differs substantially from that for out-of-state salesperson candidates. The examination’s pass-fail threshold for brokers also differs.

If a license reciprocity agreement does not exist between Pennsylvania and your state of licensure, your existing non-PA real estate broker’s license will not automatically be recognized as valid for use in Pennsylvania. The PA State Real Estate Commission requires proof that you know and are familiar with Pennsylvania real estate license law, so you’ll need to take the 40-question law test.

Preparing for the Pennsylvania law test

Because you will need to brush up on Pennsylvania real estate license law and prep for the law portion of the Pennsylvania test, we recommend that you …

1) Enroll, if possible, in the Polley Associates Out-Of-State Exam Prep course.

The Out-Of-State Exam Prep course is only a half-day (9 AM to noon), and reviews Pennsylvania real estate law material on the exam for which you’ll be tested. However, because this course is held only every other month and only at our Newtown Square (suburban Philadelphia) PA facility, it may be an impractical option for some out-of-staters.

2) Visit Polley Associates online bookstore to find related study aids.

One recommended aid is the textbook titled “Real Estate Exam Prep Booklet for Pennsylvania.” We make it available for purchase online.

What if you lack sufficient education?

If you do not have 240 or more hours of completed broker license education, you will need to complete one or more PA broker-level courses offered by Polley Associates, or equivalent courses in your current state of licensure.

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