“Real Estate Investment” is a Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission-developed course useful in obtaining a Pennsylvania real estate broker license.
Private property rights in the United States give an owner the power to designate to whom the property will pass upon his or her death. That means owners can effectively translate their work into tangible real and personal property assets as an estate to be enjoyed and controlled by others in the future. The ability to accumulate measurably valuable estate, and to generate a revenue stream, is a prime reason for the nation’s high and continuing interest in real estate investments of all types.
Real Estate Investment covers forms of ownership in real property, conducting feasibility studies and financial analyses of real estate investments, sources of funds and types of financing, income tax considerations for investors; investments in land, residential properties, office buildings, commercial real estate including strip stores and shopping centers, and industrial properties, and the markets for each; and specialty and alternate investment opportunities.
Course Information
- This is a four-day, 30-hour course.
- It is categorized as Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission–developed for PA Broker Licensing. See the Polley Associates free Pennsylvania Broker Guide for more information.
- It is worth two credits toward earning a Pennsylvania real estate broker license.
- Depending on Commission requirements issued during any renewal cycle, it has the potential to fulfill up to 14 hours of mandatory continuing education for salesperson’s or broker’s license renewal.
Student Material: This course may be accompanied by in-class materials distributed by Polley Associates.