January 20, 2022
Per City of Philadelphia mandate, participants at the continuing education events to be held at Galdo’s Catering in South Philadelphia are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend. This event includes a catered lunch, which falls within the mandate requirements.
Registration for Galdo’s requires you to confirm the following in your online checkout. Phone registration is NOT available for this event, as you must e-sign regarding you understand the following information:
- You have read and understand the above requirement as part of your participation in this event.
- You affirm that you are fully vaccinated with one of the approved COVID-19 vaccinations. (Booster is not required at this time.)
- You agree to bring both your vaccination card and ID to the event, which will be checked upon entry. Failure to do so will mean you cannot attend, and there will be no refund or transfer option.
Additional Information:
- Polley Associates and Galdo’s Catering must follow the City of Philadelphia mandates. If the mandate requiring vaccination for indoor food service is lifted prior to your class, we will notify you of any change.
- Vaccination exemptions: Per City of Philadelphia, exemptions for religious or medical reasons may be considered. Those who wish for us to consider an exemption for medical or religious reasons for this even must contact Polley Associates via email PRIOR to registration if you wish to have an exemption considered. Please submit the appropriate form and/or documentation to polley@polleyassociates.com and a staff member will contact you with more information. Those approved for a vaccine exemption will need to wear a mask the entire day, per mandate. There are no exemptions that will be granted regarding wearing a mask. Exemptions must be submitted to Polley Associates by March 31, 2022 at noon to be considered.
Please refer to the following link for more information about this Philadelphia-specific requirement: https://www.phila.gov/2021-12-13-you-will-need-to-be-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-to-enter-any-establishment-that-serves-food-in-philly/