Course Information

Fr 9am-11am Feb 21
BEN-1395 PANJ 02/21/25 AM2Hr
Fair Housing Refresher (NJ Core & Fair Housing Req, 2 Hrs; PA 2Hrs)

Fair and equitable treatment is a right by law. In this course, we will focus on the mandatory fair housing issues that real estate licensees must understand. The United States Congress and state legislatures have made it clear that ensuring everyone equal access to housing is an important goal for our society.

Real estate agents need to know what conduct violates anti-discrimination laws to avoid potential liability. In addition, we will discuss best practices to address diversity issues and examine overt and implicit bias that can be present in real estate practice. You will learn about the federal anti-discrimination laws, problems that can occur from fair housing violations, and your duties and responsibilities to treat all parties fairly and equally under the law. We will also review current events and discuss “best practices” to ensure compliance with fair housing laws.

Greenwood Square Building Two Suite 415 3331 Street Road
Bensalem, PA 19020

Class not available for registration outside of a package.

Have questions? Please contact the main office at 610.353.6776 or email us at