Course Confirmation Please confirm your course selection below. Dates: Mo,We 9am-2pm Jul 7,9,14,16,21,23 Class Code: VL-0104 07/07/25 AM-VL-BKR-6 Course Name: Basic Appraisal Procedures (30 Hours - Virtual) Description: Registration Deadline for July 7, 2025 class: Friday, June 27, 2025 at noon (or until full, whichever is sooner). Missed the online registration deadline? Contact us via email ( or phone (610) 353-6776. This course is approved for Appraisal: Trainee Pre-Licensure Required Education - 30 Hours Real Estate Broker Pre-Licensure: 30 Hours, Commission-Developed Basic Appraisal Procedures will work through the appraisal process, including defining the problem; collecting and analyzing data; reaching a final opinion of value; and communicating the appraisal report. You'll need the Zoom client software and a device with appropriate camera and microphone ability. Click Here for the Zoom system requirements: You'll receive an invitation. Once you register and pay for your virtual courses or classes, you will separately receive a receipt for payment and e-mailed invitation for your session(s) from Polley. The invitation will contain a link to the session itself in the form of a 9-or-more digit number called a Meeting ID. When you join a meeting, you are prompted to provide the Meeting ID. You'll also receive a pass code that you'll be asked to type in to authenticate your attendance. Materials are required for the course, and must be purchased with registration. Materials ship upon registration. There are no refunds or returns for materials or shipping. For other policies regarding refund/transfer, please refer to our policies and procedures page on our website. If you're not registered, you can't join. Only registered learners, authenticated by Polley Associates, can join our virtual courses or classes. Learners are required to sign into using a Zoom account, and their e-mail addresses and registered name must appear on our approved list. Those entering a session will be temporarily held in a "waiting room" before a Polley representative grants them permission them to join. Please click here for more information about the requirements for course completion of a virtual broker class: Format: 30 Hours, 6 Sessions Cost: $395.00 Have questions? Please contact the main office at 610.353.6776 or email us at