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To Succeed, Put Your Real Self Into Real Estate Messages

The rage in real estate communications these days focuses on the rise of Internet-based social media. Can you survive in the business without a Twitter account and a Facebook page? Sure, although probably not as successfully as you will with them. Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, instant messaging and similar applications are big for real estate because, …

To Succeed, Put Your Real Self Into Real Estate Messages Read More »

Yes, You Can Work And Prosper Part-Time In Real Estate

NEWTOWN SQUARE PA – Joblessness in Pennsylvania,  according to the latest statistics (as of Aug. 21, 2009) available from the state Department of Labor and Industry,  is running at 8.5 percent. With unemployment and under-employment still high across much of the state, more people are looking at real estate sales as either a new or …

Yes, You Can Work And Prosper Part-Time In Real Estate Read More »

New Law Affecting Brokers Could Free Up Escrow Money

HARRISBURG PA – A change to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act, signed into law last Monday (July 6, 2009) by Gov. Edward Rendell, might prevent heartache for future purchasers who find their dream home deal has fallen through. Senate Bill 241, written by Bucks County (PA) state Sen. Tommy Tomlinson and passed …

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Philadelphia Program Explains HUD’s Apartment Networks

PHILADELPHIA PA – A Neighborhood Networks Regional Technical Assistance Workshop, intended to help residents of federally assisted multi-family housing projects become more independent, will be conducted July 15-17 (2009) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Philadelphia. HUD announced the seminar in a press release issued Wednesday (July …

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Gov. Rendell Signs Two New Mortgage Bills Into PA Law

HARRISBURG PA – Two additional bills aimed at preventing mortgage fraud were signed into law Monday (June 29, 2009) by Pennsylvania Gov. Ed. Rendell, joining a package of five laws approved last year to target different aspects of the same problem. The two latest pieces of legislation were spurred by a case in Berks County …

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Owe Taxes To Pennsylvania? Your License Could Be Affected

HARRISBURG PA – Pennsylvania real estate sales persons and brokers who owe outstanding or unpaid state taxes: beware. The PA Department of Revenue could ask the State Real Estate Commission to consider imposing an action against your license if you don’t make arrangements to pay up. It’s apparently happening already with licensees governed by the …

Owe Taxes To Pennsylvania? Your License Could Be Affected Read More »

Preferred News Sources Matter In Agents’ Promotion Choices

NEW YORK – From which media source do most people now prefer to get their news? The Web wins hands down, according to the just-released results of a Zogby Interactive survey taken in the United States. Web-based sources rank far ahead of television, newspapers and radio as the preferred choice for news, Reuters News Service …

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Pennsylvania Commission Extends Older Consumer Notice

HARRISBURG PA – In an announcement posted this week (Wednesday, June 17, 2009) on its website, the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission said it was extending for three months – until Sept. 15, 2009 – the deadline to implement its new consumer notice. Before the announcement, the deadline had been set for June 15. The …

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PA Realtors Association Likes State Funds For First-Timers

HARRISBURG PA – The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors (PAR) endorsed a plan announced Wednesday (June 10, 2009) by Gov. Edward G. Rendell to use part of $380 million in federal economic recovery funds to help the state’s home buyers. Under Rendell’s proposal, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) will allocate $5 million for the Keystone …

PA Realtors Association Likes State Funds For First-Timers Read More »

New To Social Media Use In Real Estate? See This Webinar

As social media applications like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Ning, Linked-In and others grow and become more prominently used, real estate licensees unfamiliar with those names or how their software works may feel left behind. Don’t. Take comfort in knowing it’s never to late to learn, and with learning usually comes revenue. To that end, it …

New To Social Media Use In Real Estate? See This Webinar Read More »