Succeed With CompuCram®, Our Exam Prep Course Online
CompuCram®, one of the most powerful and compelling online real estate exam preparation programs ever created for Pennsylvania, was specifically written with salesperson licensees in mind.
The exam is tough, and purposely so. The state wants to be certain you’re well qualified to serve buyer and seller clients. The fact is, plenty of people every month don’t quite make it to exam stardom. Here’s the good news: there is proven help for those who are looking for an edge to pass the exam … and Polley Associates has it! Our solution, our exam-killer, is CompuCram®.
CompuCram® is an online sales exam prep course that combines vocabulary tools, practice testing, and simulated exams into an all-in-one solution for test-takers. It is inexpensive, only $79. It’s dynamically updated to ensure questions, answers, and explanations you read are the most relevant, accurate, and currently available. It mirrors the experience of taking the actual test, and you’ll never see the same exam twice.
But what’s best about CompuCram®, is its one-of-a-kind readiness indicator. The course actually tells you when you’re ready to take (and hopefully) pass the exam.
How’s it works? The online course presents a series of sample questions. It conducts an assessment to determine what you know and what you don’t, and your needs and weaknesses. Then it starts feeding you questions, asking you to match vocabulary terms with definitions, playing flash card games, and otherwise getting you involved in learning. Each answer you offer determines how well you understand the concepts involved and further fine-tune the educational experience.
Watch the accompanying readiness gauge, and you’ll see it turn from light blue to dark blue as it measures your progress. CompuCram® predicts when you’re ready to succeed. And you can use it on almost any device: most desktop or laptop computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Have questions? E-mail us at Call 1-800-220-2789, or fax 1-888-941-9500.
Explore Your New Career:
- What’s The Job Really Like?
- Why People Prefer This Work
- Pros And Cons Of The Business
- Start With Good Questions
- How To Know You’re Ready
- Requirements Or Qualifications
- Sales, Broker License Differences
Making Money:
- You Must Affiliate With A Broker
- Let’s Talk About Earnings
- Working Part-Time Or Full-Time
- Why You’ll Emulate A “Top Producer”
The Courses: